The maths curriculum at Moira Primary School is a coherent journey from EYFS to Year 6 that seeks to develop mathematical skills and conceptual understanding. In accordance with National Curriculum objectives, we want pupils to become fluent mathematicians who are able to reason and to solve problems.
We aspire for Moira mathematicians to be:
Visualisers – we use the CPA approach to help pupils understand mathematics and to make connections between different representations.
Describers – we place great emphasis on mathematical language and questioning so pupils can discuss the mathematics they are doing, and so support them to take ideas further.
Experimenters – as well as being fluent mathematicians, we want pupils to love and learn more about mathematics.
We aspire that Moira mathematicians leave school equipped with the knowledge and skills that ensure they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education and future lives.
Maths Progression
Calculation Policy